دروس امتحاني و ضريب |
نام كتب معرفي شده توسط وزارت بهداشت و مولفين و مترجمين |
پرستاري مراقبت هاي ويژه(5) |
1- Black , Hawks (2005) Medical – surgi cal nursing Elsevier & saunders 2- Gonce, Fontaine (2007), critical care nursing Philadelphia , Lippincott 3- Thelan, urden , Stacey (2007), critical care nursing 4- woods, etal (2009), cordiac nursing , philadelphia lippincott. |
پرستاري داخلي و جراحي(2) |
1)Brunner and Suddarth's of medical – surgical nursing/ Suzanne C. Smeltzer . 11th . ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Last Edition 2)Phipp's medical –surgical nursing : health and illness perspectives/ Frances Donovan Monahan …[et. al.] – 8 th . ed.- St. Louis : Elsevier , Mosby , Last Edition |
بهداشت روان(1) |
2- Mental Health nursing: an introductory text/ Barbara B . Bauer, Signes Hill/- Philadelphia: W. B . Saunders, Last Edition |
زبان عمومي (0.75) |
1- Reading and thinking in English 2- Reading through Interaction 3- Expanding Reading skills 4- Developing Reading skills 5- Mosaic 1 Reading ( intermediate – high intermediate ) |
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